Monday, April 30, 2012

A quick look back

I'm so excited to be sharing new stories and daily randomness with you again! But before I do that, I feel like I owe returning blog readers a look back.

What have I been up to since 2010? Well, it's been a year and a half, so... a lot! Here are a few things I've failed to cover:

  • I saw the sights of Paris and got lost in Italy. In the photo, I'm enjoying some gelato in Rome. There might actually have been a gelato shortage in the country after I left. (La dolce vita!)
  • I soaked up countless proud auntie moments with that cutie from the previous post.
  • I developed a greater appreciation for spontaneity, music from Kenny Rogers and Run-DMC, and redneck reality shows on Tru TV when shared with a kind, smart and handsome significant other.
  • I wrote glamorous health care and HR-related articles like "5 things you need to know before your performance review" and "4 ways to a new you in the new year." Throw in some organizational memos, brochures and hundreds of web pages and there is never a dull moment—I’ve got a pretty good gig.
  • I learned how to drive a boat. Unlike my car-driving habits, I'm more comfortable with leisurely, single-digit speed limits on the water.
  • I worked my way back to doing push ups again. (I loathe push ups, but being able to do them again was a big deal while rehabbing two broken wrists. Now I do them with gratefulness and only the occasional ache.)

That's a lot of "I" statements. But throughout, there have been some pretty special friends and family members along for the crazy ride with me.

I could share plenty more stories of travels, fun moments with friends, my addiction to HGTV and so on. But I'm ready to look forward now. I've missed this little writing outlet and I'm happy you joined me (and Jen!) here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back in the blogging saddle

If you look at the date of this post and the date of my last blog post, you’ll notice I've been absent for a while (or maybe that’s an understatement). Why? Well, mainly because of this guy…

As a newborn, he redefined sleep (or the lack thereof) and put new meaning into “cry baby.” But as much as he needed my attention, I wanted him to have it even more.  I kind of lost…and found myself in the life and love of my infant son.

Then, after months of adjustment, a return to work, and an end to the world’s longest, coldest, snowiest winter in Minnesota, “little” Connor turned into this adorable chunk of a bald baby who, at six months old finally slept through the night and pretty much became the happiest baby on earth!

And then, his baby traits began to disappear right before my eyes and I found myself watching a little boy crawl, stand, toddle, then walk. His funny and attention-grabbing personality bloomed for all to see. Today, he is a toddler in every sense of the word.

So yes, I’ve been away from this blog for a long time…long enough to have a 17 month old! But I wanted to come back, and I’m not even sure of the exact reason why, because believe me my life is still as hectic as ever! You can bet I’ve missed sharing a TON of blogable moments occurring within the span of those few photos. And while I promise my posts won’t all be baby photos and bragging about my kid, it’s possible that they will be a little different. Why? Because I’ve learned a lot from Connor’s little life, and I know there are plenty of lessons ahead. So, I’ll share a few of them here…in between my thoughts on tv shows, faith, and the weird people you see at state fairs, of course.

And Heather's back too, because doing this blog together has always been the best part for us. So stay tuned for new tales from both of us.  If there is anything you’d like to hear us blog about, comment and let us know!

There. I did it. I finally blogged! It’s good to be back.