Monday, November 26, 2012

Crazy but thankful

My type A self appreciates (maybe even depends on) going into a work week with laundry completed, a full fridge and a clean home. Today, I experienced the total opposite, despite an extra long weekend. Among other things, my crazy weekend was spent…

  • Hosting out of town in-laws for several days and enjoying a relaxing Thanksgiving Day – fun!
  • Attending my grandpa’s funeral – not so fun, but thankful to remember his 91 years of life alongside my extended family
  • Throwing a two year old birthday party – fun!
  • Spending several hours in the ER with said two year old – not so fun, but thankful that despite a newly discovered peanut allergy, I have an extremely healthy and happy little boy. 

So among other things, you can see that general “life organization” just wasn’t a top priority this weekend. I know that’s ok, but I also feel like my Monday morning was trying to tell me WHY I like to be so organized at the beginning of each week. Here’s what my morning looked like:

  • Realizing at the last minute that I had to be to the office by 7 a.m. today for an in-office wellness screening. But I’m thankful for good health and that I managed to get all passing (e.g. incentive earning) results despite being 17 weeks pregnant.
  • Realizing right after passing the only gas station near my house that my tank was very empty. But I’m thankful that I have a fuel efficient car and convenient access to a gas station down the street from my office.
  • Realizing during my commute that I had another meeting at 7 a.m. and was double booked. This is what happens when I ignore my email on a holiday weekend only celebrated in the U.S. But I’m thankful for understanding co-workers in Paris, Singapore and the UK.
  • Frantically & unsuccessfully trying to turn off and then restart my car in the parking lot only to realize I forgot to put it in park. But I’m thankful that God watches over me and is keenly aware of my occasional (yet becoming more frequent) absent-mindedness.
  • In searching for my security badge (it was 7:02 by this time), I accidentally dumped out my change across the lobby floor. But I’m thankful for the gentleman who chased my change all over the floor and helped me pick it up.
  • The screening people had no record of my appointment. But I’m thankful they let me in anyway. I don’t want to think about how I might have reacted if they turned me away!

So while it was nothing disastrous (and I’m thankful for that), I can’t help but think that things would have gone a bit more smoothly had I felt more prepared for this day and week. Fortunately, my day has since improved and my helpful hubby is even going to stop at the store to supply us with ingredients for a couple of dinners this week. Which reminds me that I’m thankful for incredibly helpful and supportive family and friends. Thanks to them—and so many other blessings—maybe I will make it to next weekend after all!

Is there anything you’re particularly thankful for this post-Thanksgiving week?

Monday, November 12, 2012

TV’s "good ‘ol days"

Now that that my television is finally free of political ads, I’m ready to return to my favorite shows. But I’ve noticed this year that my list of favorites it dwindling. I’ve given up on some shows and simply not allowed myself to get sucked into others. I still can’t help thinking that for all the great new advancements in TV technology, the content we now watch in all its high-definition glory just isn’t as good as it used to be. Though I do appreciate your suggestions for when I do want to chill in front of the tube. 

The shows of my youth are still tops for me. I confess I was a little bit too excited when I heard that Disney might be making a sequel sitcom to Boy Meets World. Though it doesn't top other favorites of mine like The Cosby Show and Full House, I have fond memories of watching Cory, Topanga and Mr. Feeny.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing. I thought the same thing when Old Navy started running TV commercials around back-to-school time this year featuring the old cast of Beverly Hills 90210. That’s brilliant marketing given the fact that many of those Kelly, Brandon and Dylan fans are the very same people now clothes shopping for their elementary-aged kids.

Of course we all know a sequel is rarely as good as the original. But that’s ok. Thanks to Netflix and Nick at Nite, we can keep watching the originals, too. I even indulged in my boyfriend’s recent kick of watching several seasons of The Brady Bunch and Happy Days on Netflix.

So I guess there’s still no shortage of things to watch. But if the networks decide to bring back another Who’s the Boss or Growing Pains, I’d probably check those out too!